sell house without repairs Colorado Springs

We Buy Houses for Cash Colorado | Fast Cash Home Buyers
We buy houses for cash and we could buy yours too. No brokers, no fees, no hassle! ZechBuysHouses LLC specializes in working closely with homeowners to provide fast cash buyouts for their houses. No realtor and no repairs necessary! We buy houses in any situation- Divorce, Pre-foreclosure, Job loss, Bad Tenants, Structural issues, Ugly Houses, Extensive repairs, and many more. Do you want to stop saying “I need to sell my house fast!” No more. . .We buy houses for cash – FAST!
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We Buy Houses for Cash Colorado | Fast Cash Home Buyers | CALL 719-426-2494
Video Transcription

Brent: Hello, it’s Brent with ZechBuysHouses, LLC. Brent Buys Houses Fast. We’re at 854 Hayloft Lane in Fountain, Colorado, here with my boy Zechariah. He’s checking out the house, and interested in everything. This is a situation where a gentleman is needing to sell house without repairs Colorado Springs Colorado.

The Renovation has already been started on this house.

We found this house because the gentleman called off of our I Buy Houses signs, and he’s already started fixing the property up. However, he was doing it from across the country. He would make trips back and forth from the East coast and spend weekends and 4 day trips going to and from Home Depot to the property making costly repairs and not getting much benefit besides the aggravation and pain of the long hours spent on the road and in the hardware stores.

So he’s on the east side of the United States, and he had actually called us and asked if we were legitimate because he never actually thought that people physically answered the phone calls from these signs.

We definitely answer ours phone calls.  That way, when people need help immediately, they need to sell a house fast, they need cash or they need to close quickly, or do not want to use a Realtor… It really doesn’t matter the reasoning, but what does matter is we do our best to help with the situation.

This property will hopefully be closing here very soon. We’re just waiting on some court documents to come back. There’s a little bit of an issue with the title on this property. So, we do fix title problems, too. We do whatever we have to, to make the problems go away. That way the sellers can move on and do what they’ve gotta do and move across the country and get on with their lives.

Thanks for coming in, checking us out ZechBuysHouses, LLC. Brent Buys Houses Fast.

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